
128 articles:
by Arani Sivakumar Abhimanyu Sud

Beyond stigma: Treating opioid use disorder

Stigma impacts all aspects of treatment for people living with opioid use disorder. We can work together to move beyond stigma.

by Colin Whaley Daire Fitzpatrick

Viral response to alcohol guidelines highlights need for harm-reduction messaging

Highlighting the harm reduction aspects of the new alcohol intake guidelines could go a long way in helping consumers make better choices and help bridge the gap between patients and clinicians.

by Ronald Worton

Context matters: Canada’s guidance on alcohol and health needs a rethink

The public should be given the right information to understand the risks associated with alcohol consumption. But Canada's new drinking guidelines leave something to be desired.

by Francis Vergunst Helen Berry Kelton Minor Nicholas Chadi

Climate change contributing to harmful substance use

Weather-related disasters spurred on by climate change cause not only environmental devastation, but wreak havoc on our mental health and well being. This leads to higher rates of substance misuse.

by Micaela Harley

A polarized society unified by complex trauma

While we move into another phase of the pandemic, we need to attempt to heal our society by realizing that everyone is dealing with a similar complex trauma.

by Nickrooz Grami

Online sports betting: Governments’ risky gamble is a looming public-health crisis

Billboards, social media, televised sports – no matter where you look, the onslaught of online sports betting ads has become inescapable. But is it worth exposing an especially vulnerable portion of the population to the harms of gambling in order to increase government revenue?

by Mariana da Silva Jardim

B.C.’s ‘necessary step forward’ in drug decriminalization

B.C. is Canada’s first jurisdiction to be granted a federal exemption to decriminalize personal drug possession up to 2.5 grams. Other provinces may soon follow suit.

by Alon Coret

We all know about anorexia, but can we talk a bit about Binge Eating Disorder?

Binge Eating Disorder, or BED, is at least as common – though probably more common – than any other eating disorder but it often goes under-reported and under-recognized. People living with BED deserve a compassionate representation, along with appropriate, accessible and trauma-informed treatment and support.

by W.A. Bogart

The Cannabis Act is being reviewed: Expect battles

The Cannabis Act is under review. Many problems will be addressed. But there will be a faceoff between public-health advocates and industry representatives on a number of fronts.

by Maddi Dellplain

Move to generic methadone raises concerns

Ontario’s move away from brand name Methadose has sparked concerns the switch could negatively impact those who rely on the drug, prompting calls for more buy-in from methadone users ahead of these changes.

by Siri Chunduri Jonathan I. Mitchell Kam Tello Samuel Breau Nicholas Watters Karina Urdaneta

The urgent need for mental health-care supports

By age 40, half of all Canadians will experience mental health issues. Implementing the “quality mental health care framework” would go a long way to providing much-needed care.

by Nicole Naimer

‘Nowhere to go’: Homelessness and mental illness create a ‘revolving door’ of admissions

Homelessness at discharge in psychiatric settings comes with significant cost to our health-care system and, more importantly, to those with lived experience. Without a provincial strategy for discharging people experiencing homelessness from hospitals and shelter beds at capacity, many are left with no where to go.

by Maddi Dellplain

In ‘Heroin,’ author lays bare the injustice and systemic racism behind Canada’s drug laws

For International Overdose Awareness Day (Aug. 31), Healthy Debate sat down with Dr. Susan Boyd to discuss her latest book, Heroin: An Illustrated History.

by Nickrooz Grami

It’s time to revise Canada’s low-risk alcohol drinking guidelines

Canadians' alcohol use has increased significantly over the past decade. It's time to update low-risk drinking guidelines set in 2011.

by Archie Stewart

Finding community, compassion and purpose as a smoking cessation advocate

I tried to quit smoking several times over the span of four decades, until in January 2009 I finally decided I was stronger. It worked. Now I have become a smoking cessation advocate trying to support Canadians, particularly in rural communities, in their efforts to quit smoking.

by Neal Belluzzo

Physician Service Agreement yet again leaves the most vulnerable in the shadows

Somewhere along the line, we’ve managed to create barriers to health care that have caused us to deviate from the vision of Tommy Douglas.

by Maddi Dellplain

Group pushes for ‘compassion club model’ to address surge of deaths from toxic drug supply

Six years after the B.C. government declared the overdose epidemic a public health emergency, policies have failed to slow the scourge.

by Stephanie Keeling

Medical benefits from cannabis? Still waiting for proof

Today may be April 20, a renowned cannabis counterculture holiday, but four years into legalization we still don't have reliable data about the medical benefits of marijuana.

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