Children and Youth

228 articles

Paying tribute to the good in our health-care system

There is immense work to be done in our fragile health-care system. But in honor of this World Health Worker Week, one patient living with bipolar disorder wants to pay tribute to all the goodness in health-care workers' hearts.

by Mary Sco.

How to keep young children with RSV out of the ICU

Nearly every child will contract RSV in their lifetime. Therefore the challenges lies not in preventing RSV infection, but in preventing infections from becoming severe. Breastfeeding may be one way to overcome this challenge.

by Abitha Suthakaran

Transitioning to inclusivity: Why OB/GYNs need trans care training

Both women and trans men may require obstetrics services. But many working in health care don't know how to appropriately treat trans patients. It is time we listen to the trans community and mandate transgender care education.

by Raissa Amany Magdalena Rudz Carly La Berge Connie Trang

#codePink: Canada must protect mental health of our children and youth

The effects of the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic are still being felt, particularly for youth. There are 8 million children who deserve better access to mental health care in this country. It's time we did better.

by Anna Durbin Stephen Abrams Ian McConnachie Janet Durbin

Canada’s dental program only matters if it gets children into dental offices

The Canadian government recently committed to implementing a national public dental program. This benefit is an important first step. But we need education and outreach to ensure that kids in particular are getting the regular access and dental care they need.

by Nickrooz Grami

Online sports betting: Governments’ risky gamble is a looming public-health crisis

Billboards, social media, televised sports – no matter where you look, the onslaught of online sports betting ads has become inescapable. But is it worth exposing an especially vulnerable portion of the population to the harms of gambling in order to increase government revenue?

by Samira Jeimy Sabina Vohra-Miller Natasha Correa

Debunking the myth of immunity debt

Immunity debt is an attractive concept. But there is little evidence for it as an explanation for the resurgence in pediatric respiratory infections.

by Aidan Kelland

The learning pod

I wasn't able to see any kids my age for two years. This was easily the worst thing for me.

by Alessia Iafano

Social distance

After a year of masking fears, I’m almost free. free to leave the covered faces that bring tears.

by Ami Shah

The Art of the Eggless

My journey hasn’t been all that smooth, but I have to say all the chaos turned into something I would have never even dreamed of!

by Angela Tsai

Online learning: A pandemic special?

I am just a small icon on the screen with a hundred other students, no one would notice.

by Arushi Nath

The Masked Scales: A NASA winner

While COVID-19 closed my school doors, it opened up newer windows of education based on curiosity and passion.

by Bethany Pyle

A Pandemic Erupted; My Twenties Interrupted

In my early twenties when COVID took hold, I was waiting for all my life plans to unfold. But then the new virus hit and put it on hold

by Cam Kochut

Disability and the pandemic

I felt abandoned by the accessibility centre that claimed to be my advocate.

by Cierrah Smith

B.R.A.I.D.S: Beautiful. Rooted. Artistic. Inspired. Do. Style

Growing up, I realized people will always have an opinion about who you are.

by Hayden Johnston

Peer pressure

Middle school, I was already nervous, then the school year ended up being online halfway through the year. I wasn’t used to the idea of online school.

by Helena Xu

In Helena’s Rant: Still a page unturned in my books

In a very me-like fashion, I am typing this very reflection while repeating one specific song and avoiding my schoolwork.

by Janessa Trahan

A high-schooler’s life during the pandemic’s beginning

Go to work, get money, you need it for college. Why are you working so much, relax, take a break. Your grades are dropping, you’re sleeping too much.

by Leisha Toory

The warm fabric of unity

Expressing kindness, especially during the harshest times, is not only the right thing to do, but also is what everyone needs to receive to powerfully combat the overwhelming emotions.

by Natascia Ciancibello

Instability’s greatest comfort

As I recalled taking my healthy throat for granted. A glass of water, half empty, stared back at me, just out of reach, and longingly I looked at it.

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