
224 articles:
by Maddi Dellplain

What will happen to Ontario’s uninsured? Experts weigh in

Adding to the list of lifted pandemic policies, Ontario will no longer cover the cost hospital services and physicians fees for the previously uninsured. Without OHIP for these groups, what can we expect to see? Is this the right move? Experts weigh in.

by Benoît Corriveau Mylaine Breton Neb Kovacina Tara Kiran

Examining Quebec’s primary care: Challenges, solutions and patient priorities

Despite some improvements, reports published in recent years suggest primary care in Quebec performs poorly compared to other Canadian provinces in terms of accessibility and coordination.

by Steven Brooks

Surviving cardiac arrest should not depend on luck

Surviving sudden cardiac arrest depends largely on luck – and it shouldn’t be this way. A scientist working at Queen’s University is focused on testing new strategies and technologies to reduce our dependence on chance.

‘I’d love to see us rethink what we’re doing’: A Q&A in family medicine with Tara Kiran

Dr. Tara Kiran sits down to talk about Indigenous health, all things family medicine and the nation-wide OurCare survey results.

by Sandor J. Demeter

Your teeth can reveal how much radiation you’ve been exposed to

Ontario Tech scientists team with dentists to measure life-long radiation exposure in people living close to nuclear power plants.

by Vanessa Wright Kathy Hardill

NPs ‘deeply concerned about the future of our health-care system’

As nurse practitioners, we are deeply concerned about the current threats to Medicare. We call on NP's and organizations to demand investment in a strong publicly funded health-care system.

by Emma Arkell

Connecting the dots: Standardizing EMR data essential to improving care, easing burnout

The developers and engineers at eHealth are aiming to ensure that as patients move through the health-care system, their information follows them. But there are still obstacles to the development of effective electronic medical records (EMRs).

by David Campbell

Emergency brain surgery showed me the best of Ontario health care – and the worst

It’s true that when faced with a crisis, some of the best health-care professionals in the world are available to care for us. But that system is at its breaking point.

by Peter Zhang

Synthetic data may revolutionize clinical trials – and save lives

Behind each clinical trial, there are real human lives at stake. Advancements in synthetic data could lead us to a future in which every cancer patient enrolled in a clinical trial is guaranteed hope.

by Sarah Hobbs

Primary health care is everyone’s political responsibility. Let’s share the best solutions

In the wake of the recent federal-provincial health-care funding agreement, the time is now to be bold in Ontario and across Canada to deliver health care better and more equitably.

by George Michaels

A chicken in every pot? How about a family doctor for every patient?

An innovative Quebec program sees a huge boost in access to primary care. Ontario may soon follow suit and pivot towards more neighborhood-based clinics to address the demand.

by Mary Sco.

How to keep young children with RSV out of the ICU

Nearly every child will contract RSV in their lifetime. Therefore the challenges lies not in preventing RSV infection, but in preventing infections from becoming severe. Breastfeeding may be one way to overcome this challenge.

by Mary Sco.

Diet vs. drugs – Comparing the effects of diet with leading pharmaceuticals

In 440 B.C., Hippocrates famously said “Let food be thy medicine.” More than 2,000 years later, the evidence to substantiate this statement has never been more robust.

by Ronald Worton

Context matters: Canada’s guidance on alcohol and health needs a rethink

The public should be given the right information to understand the risks associated with alcohol consumption. But Canada's new drinking guidelines leave something to be desired.

by Emma Arkell

‘A new way to move people’: Fewer back injuries for health-care workers, more comfort for patients

New improvements to lifts and transfer devices could reduce the risks of work-related injury in health care staff and improve quality of care.

by Sandor J. Demeter

Newfoundland and Labrador first province to impose a sugar tax to combat obesity and diabetes. Will it work?

Newfoundland and Labrador is the first Canadian province to join the international beverage sugar-tax club. This effort aims to combat the "growing and silent epidemic" of diabetes impacting more than 11.7 million Canadians.

by Maddi Dellplain

Model that predicts MS relapse highlights AI’s expanding role in health care

AI can be taught to do a lot. But can it help doctors make better clinical decisions? One MS clinic in Ontario is trialing an AI model that could help doctors determine how to treat their patients.

by Mary Sco.

Food and mental health: Happy gut, happy mind

The food we eat every day is the subject of an ongoing conversation between the bacteria in our gut and our immune cells. This conversation dictates whether we are taking one step closer to health or one step closer to disease.

by Abitha Suthakaran

Transitioning to inclusivity: Why OB/GYNs need trans care training

Both women and trans men may require obstetrics services. But many working in health care don't know how to appropriately treat trans patients. It is time we listen to the trans community and mandate transgender care education.

by Raissa Amany Magdalena Rudz Carly La Berge Connie Trang

#codePink: Canada must protect mental health of our children and youth

The effects of the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic are still being felt, particularly for youth. There are 8 million children who deserve better access to mental health care in this country. It's time we did better.

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