Other conditions

251 articles:
by Kristine Russell

Surviving sepsis: A life and career changing experience

Before my near-death experience, I had no idea what the word sepsis meant. And I certainly didn’t know what the long-term effects would be for my family and me.

by Kathleen Finlay

It’s time to ban NDAs

Non-disclosure agreements carry significant emotional and physical consequences for victims of gender violence and sexual harassment.  Why are they still allowed?

by Mary Sco.

How to keep young children with RSV out of the ICU

Nearly every child will contract RSV in their lifetime. Therefore the challenges lies not in preventing RSV infection, but in preventing infections from becoming severe. Breastfeeding may be one way to overcome this challenge.

by Mary Sco.

Diet vs. drugs – Comparing the effects of diet with leading pharmaceuticals

In 440 B.C., Hippocrates famously said “Let food be thy medicine.” More than 2,000 years later, the evidence to substantiate this statement has never been more robust.

by Sandor J. Demeter

Newfoundland and Labrador first province to impose a sugar tax to combat obesity and diabetes. Will it work?

Newfoundland and Labrador is the first Canadian province to join the international beverage sugar-tax club. This effort aims to combat the "growing and silent epidemic" of diabetes impacting more than 11.7 million Canadians.

by Maddi Dellplain

Model that predicts MS relapse highlights AI’s expanding role in health care

AI can be taught to do a lot. But can it help doctors make better clinical decisions? One MS clinic in Ontario is trialing an AI model that could help doctors determine how to treat their patients.

by Laura Syron

Odds are there is a woman in your life living with diabetes – she deserves better research

As the world celebrates another International Women’s Day, we should reflect on what gender equality really means. Science and research needs to adequately address women's health needs.

by Sandor J. Demeter

Indigenous-led solutions counter a diabetes epidemic

Health Canada frameworks can only go so far in addressing the diabetes epidemic. But Indigenous groups have put forward community-specific solutions to address some of the key contributors to diabetes, including diet and lifestyle.

by Swetha Raman Chakravarthy Dora Mugambi Karim Keshavjee

Addressing a blind spot in care for patients living with diabetes

The sudden decline in diabetes screening as a result of the pandemic has put a significant number of Ontarians in danger of vision loss. Unchecked, this problem is associated with a massive cost for the government and society. But this can be avoided with a proactive screening strategy.

by Samira Jeimy Sabina Vohra-Miller Natasha Correa

Debunking the myth of immunity debt

Immunity debt is an attractive concept. But there is little evidence for it as an explanation for the resurgence in pediatric respiratory infections.

by Alon Coret

We all know about anorexia, but can we talk a bit about Binge Eating Disorder?

Binge Eating Disorder, or BED, is at least as common – though probably more common – than any other eating disorder but it often goes under-reported and under-recognized. People living with BED deserve a compassionate representation, along with appropriate, accessible and trauma-informed treatment and support.

by Liana Hwang

Over-the-counter ointments are ‘poison ivy in a tube’ for some, dermatologists warn

Canada’s most popular over-the-counter ointments for wound treatment are the most common medical substances causing allergic contact dermatitis, or ACD.

by Aleksandra Nasteska Edward Riachy

A low carbohydrate diet can treat diabetes better … and save us money

The key to the diabetes crisis is well within our reach. We can win the fight against diabetes by embracing a low-carbohydrate diet as the first-line medical nutrition treatment.

by Catharine Chambers Nicole Naimer Maddi Dellplain

The Faces & Phases of COVID-19

The Faces/Phases Project is a portrait of the COVID-19 pandemic in Canada. Through a series of data visualizations, we cover the first two years of the pandemic.

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