by Maddi Dellplain

Adding to the list of lifted pandemic policies, Ontario will no longer cover the cost hospital services and physicians fees for the previously uninsured. Without OHIP for these groups, what can we expect to see? Is this the right move? Experts weigh in.

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Reports show that Quebec is still under-performing in primary care compared to other Canadian provinces. Read the latest in the OurCare Project series in English or French.

by Benoît Corriveau Mylaine Breton Neb Kovacina Tara Kiran

Despite some improvements, reports published in recent years suggest primary care in Quebec performs poorly compared to other Canadian provinces in terms of accessibility and coordination.

by Benoît Corriveau Mylaine Breton Neb Kovacina Tara Kiran

Malgré certaines améliorations, des rapports publiés dans les dernières années indiquent que les soins de première ligne au Québec sont moins performants que ceux des autres provinces du Canada quant à l'accessibilité et la coordination.

by Douglas Courtemanche

The Royal College of Surgeons of Canada has long received large donations from Canada's biggest bank, RBC. But RBC is also the number one world financier of fossil fuels. One plastic surgeon reflects on the ethics of this relationship.

by Arani Sivakumar Abhimanyu Sud

Stigma impacts all aspects of treatment for people living with opioid use disorder. We can work together to move beyond stigma.

Posted: May 3, 2023

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We can agree that something needs to be done to ensure patients have better access to health care. But what kinds of solutions should be up for discussion? Do we let private companies take on some of the burden? Or should we steer clear of for-profit options? Two health-care experts share their differing views on Ontario's path forward.

by Doug McGregor

Ontario's health-care system is speeding toward privatization. But what the system needs is bold leadership and direct action, not more for-profit interventions.

by Kirk Corkery

There are multiple solutions to today’s challenges; more family physicians is not the only approach we should consider. We should not remain handcuffed by history.

The Rounds Table Podcast

The Rounds Table is a free regular podcast hosted by Healthy Debate. Its purpose is to provide an informative and irreverent discussion of new research from major medical journals. Each week it explores topics from the latest medical research.

Special Series

In partnership with AMS Healthcare, Healthy Debate is publishing a series of solutions-focused articles on emerging technologies and their potential for transformational change in our health-care system.

Special Series

"Togethering" is the term for how we live out our vision of how we care for our families together. "Family" can mean the traditional nuclear family across generations, modern-day chosen families, friends and neighbours. This series explores how modern families are navigating their own version of "Togethering." These three articles are the first instalments of a 10-part series examining the intersection of housing, aging and caregiving.

Special Series

In partnership with AMS Healthcare, Healthy Debate is publishing a series of solutions-focused articles examining gaps in our health-care system.

Special Series

I Am Not My illness is a series highlighting people living with complex disorders and their self-identity, passions and interests. Read the series here.

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